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Warburton Primary School has a strong commitment to providing all students with quality mathematics lessons that cater to their individual point of need. Teachers continually assess student knowledge before, during and after units to guide their collaborative planning and Professional Learning Community (PLC) cycles of inquiry. All Maths lessons are designed in line within the Victorian Curriculum domains of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. 


We focus on the four Maths Proficiencies: 

  1. Reasoning

  2. Problem solving

  3. Understanding

  4. Fluency 


These four proficiencies are closely intertwined, each one made stronger by the others. Staff design lessons that activate and build upon prior knowledge, giving students opportunities to develop these four areas. 


Embracing the proficiencies means teaching young people to think and reason as they learn mathematics, stretching and challenging them to pose and solve meaningful problems, prioritising sense-making, patience and understanding over memorising, being quick or simply getting ‘right answers.’ Mathematics becomes more meaningful when the proficiencies become a focus of teaching and learning.


For more information of the four proficiencies in a Primary School context click here


Maths lessons at WPS are varied and include hands-on tasks, open-ended questioning, project-based learning and a wide array of manipulatives. Lessons are structured to ensure students are engaged and are continually reflecting on what they are learning. 


Warburton Primary School works hard to encourage each student to enjoy Maths and provide opportunities to achieve high-level growth, embedding their learning and a lifelong love of Mathematics. 



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